Welcome to the
Astons Community Website

Feedback and comment are welcome: email webmaster@theastons.net


The Astons community has a lot going for it. Our website is designed to make it quick and easy for you to keep in touch. Browse the latest News and Events, check out the numerous Clubs & Organisations, book the village hall or pavilion for an event, research our parish’s history and much more.

For residents, we maintain online access to a wide range of village and local organisations and groups.  For visitors, we provide a flavour of what makes our two villages a marvellous place to live in. 

You can help us greatly by giving us feedback on this site, and how it works for you, to webmaster@theastons.net


The Aston Villagers Facebook Community

This Facebook group is for people living in the villages of Aston Tirrold and Aston Upthorpe, and complements this community website (www.theastons.net), the village newsletter (Astons News), E-news (see Community and Services page).  Find out about our group here.

Facebook group

News and Events

Astons Community Speedwatch

Astons Community Speedwatch

Astons community speedwatch is active.

Click on News Item title for more information

Astons Advent Windows

Astons Advent Windows

24 Astons houses illuminate a window for Christmas each day in Advent
Click on news title to see and download a map